Tuesday, March 15, 2005


The big news in Fed II DataSpace this week is the release of a new
front-end for the game. FedTerm has a lot of the features of the old
front-end but adds a more gooey feel (that's GUI - Graphical User
Interface). It separates room descriptions out from the text it receives
from the game and displays them in a separate window, and lists the
people, objects and mobiles present in the room separately too.

You can move around by clicking on movement arrows, as well as the
usual method of typing in commands directly. You can also use the
numeric keypad on your keyboard to send direction commands.

The most radical addition to the front-end, though, is auto-mapping.
The front-end makes a note of every location you visit and displays it on
a map, showing you which directions you can move in. Since computer
screens are only 2D, it can only display the compass direction exits -
up, down, in and out are not shown, so you will still have to read the
room descriptions to see if there are stairs, gravshafts, holes in the
ground, or other non-conventional exits.

You can see a screenshot of the new FedTerm at
http://www.ibgames.net/fed2/fedterm/screenshot.html and download
the program at http://www.ibgames.net/fed2/fedterm/index.html.

As with the previous versions of the Fed II front-end, the program is a
Windows program. However, thanks to an enterprising member of our
test team - Gandolf - we know it can be run on Linux computers if they
use the Wine emulator. There are instructions about how to set it up at

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