Tuesday, March 15, 2005


The SpyNet Review on Friday showed a batch of promotions to
Manufacturer as soon as the game fired up. This was the valiant bunch
who make up our test team, being promoted so they can try out the new
code Bella has just put in for the next rank. It is their job to find all the
annoying bugs so that Bella can fix them before the real players use the

Depending on the magnitude of the bugs they find (if any) (no, don't
laugh, it's possible there won't be any bugs, stranger things have
happened) the promotion mechanism should be available to
Industrialists sometime in the next ten days.

So what, I hear you ask, does an Industrialist have to do to get
promoted to Manufacturer? Well it's a simple time-based promotion.
Industrialist is the probationary period for CEOs, during which they get
to grips with holding the reigns of a multi-planetary company.
Promotion to the next rank will happen when the company has run
through three accounting cycles, and the owner has been in the game to
keep an eye on things for 24 hours. Both those measures are shown on
the company display.

Since there is a limit to how much probation anybody can be allowed,
absentee CEOs will be promoted after five company cycles, even if they
have been supervising the factories for less than 24 hours.

In both events, the promotion will happen at the next reset after the
requirements are met.

Being out of probation, a Manufacturer is allowed to do things not
available to Industrialists - but at the same time is subject to pressures
and disadvantages too. More details in next week's news.

Play Federation II
IBgames - We Build Worlds

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