Monday, March 28, 2005


New Medallions

Family Jewels, the high-class jewellery shop on the Moon, has added three new medallions to its illegal stock. You can now get a celtic cross, a yin-yang symbol, and a star of david. These replace the ankh, marillion and pentagram medallion, which have been withdrawn from sale. The medallions cost one slithy tove each, and are displayed when somebody examines you.

Talk to Tracey

The incredibly thick receptionist on Phobos, who authorizes you to use a buggy, is now a proper mobile that you can talk to. To talk to her (or any other mobile that is chat-enabled), type her name followed by a word or phrase you think she might respond to, for example: Tracey hello. Tracey, being of very limited intelligence, doesn't have anything vital to say, but her brainless prattle can be entertaining. Try talking to her about her job, Phobos, Earth, and scientists; her responses might give you some hints about what other subjects she talks about.

Don't forget that Diesel, owner of the best bar in the Galaxy, Chez Diesel, is also a talking mobile - she has a very extensive range of conversation. More talking mobiles will be added soon.

Company Money Details

By popular request, the company display now gives the full amounts of groats, rather than rounding them to the nearest megagroat, making precision calculations of how your company is doing much easier.

Spaceport Announcements

If you're in the habit of hanging around in Earth's spaceport, watching the tourists stagger past with their unruly luggage, you will notice that there are now some new announcements being made over the tannoy. However, if it's your intention to sit there until you have heard all the new messages, you may have a long wait, because the frequency of the announcements has been reduced from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. This is because staff who worked in various parts of the spaceport were getting so annoyed by the constant messages over the PR system, that they threatened to go on strike.

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